Saturday, December 30, 2006

Not So Surprise Shower

When getting ready to head south for Grandpa's Memorial, my Aunt Shirley gave me her regrets that she would not be able to attend my shower. Shower? I'm not having a shower, I said, I'm going to Troy's Grandfather's Memorial. I thought she must have been confused.

Little did I know that Kelly & Katiane had planned a shower for me today. Several people came up to me after the memorial and told me they were sorry they wouldn't see me the next day. I thought that was nice of them to miss me already, but didn't quite get what they were saying. Meghan had even brought a gift for Kaylee, which I thought was particularly nice.

I gave Kelly her Christmas presents, so I would not forget and she said not to worry they would see me tomorrow. I said maybe we could get together for breakfast, but we really had to get on the road to get our final travel arrangements made.

I then saw an invite to my shower hanging on Aunt Faith's refrigerator and quickly looked away. I told Troy I thought I was having a shower and he let me in on it. It was beautiful. They decorated in Asian theme and had Asian inspired food. And, being that I'm not eating for two, we had champagne and sherbet for dessert - YUM!

In addition to Kelly and Katiane, was Grandma, Aunt Faith and Kelly's Mom Chris. What a great surprise and such a warm welcome into the Bleeker family. I cannot wait for everyone to meet our girl! I love you all :)

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