Saturday, December 30, 2006

6 More Days!!!

Yes, we will be leaving for our baby girl in 6 days. We are so excited and will be spending the next few days scrambling to make our final arrangements.

Unfortunately, we have not yet received our taxi cards from our agency. They were sent 12/19, but have been lost somewhere in transit. These cards have addresses written in Mandarin to get us to our hotel, the domestic airport and the AIT. Hopefully, another set has been fedexed our way. Otherwise Troy will try to play navigator and figure out how to make sure we make it to Kaylee.

We did find out Thursday that we do have hotel reservations and that a driver has been reserved to get us from the airport to the hotel. That will be a godsend after such long travel to at least know we can make it to the hotel to try and get some sleep.

1 comment:

Ann said...

I can't wait for you to get her. I can't believe that it's so close now.