Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Blog Updates

For those of you who may be wondering how I have time to update this blog in such great detail with a new baby, let me assure you no Kaylees have been neglected in the making of this blog :)

I use her nap times and also my crazy awake/can't sleep hours to share our story. I do it for several reasons, one because it's fresh in my mind, I want to capture this most wonderful story for her and also for me to remember every detail and I want to share our great adventure with family and friends.

Let me give you an example of our crazy jetlaginess. This morning we awoke with Kaylee fussing and Troy checked his watch - 6 am. Right on time for her first bottle. I fed her, changed her diaper and Troy and I played with her. We were so excited she had slept 8 hours. Troy fell back asleep, which I thought was normal since he has been sick. I decided Kaylee and I would have our first solo adventure and go get our breakfast and told Troy I would go to Subber.

Got Kaylee all bundled up and in the baby bjorn carrier (thanks, Terri and Tony, it is WONDERFUL) and headed to the lobby for our breakfast coupons. I couldn't understand why the clerk looked so confused until I realized he was trying to tell me it was only 3 am. Troy had misread his watch and we had been up since 12:30 am. Since Kaylee and I were wide awake, we got some coffee and brought it to the room. (Canned hot coffee - never seen such a thing).

So I have taken the time, since I'm wide awake, to update the blog and Kaylee is sleeping again soundly.


Ann said...

That is so funny. Something we would do!! LOL!!

Anonymous said...

Blog on! There's no such thing as too much blogging, is there? (wink)