Sunday, January 07, 2007

Flower Market

We walked across the street to the Flower Market - oh how beautiful. Orchids, bonsia trees, fountains galore. Too bad we cannot bring some of these plants home. They are so incredible and low priced.

We walk through about half of it and decide we better get something to eat. We hail a taxi and give him our hotel calling card. None of the taxi drivers speak any English, so I start to get worried when he keeps looking at the calling card with a magnifying glass. I give him the flyer we had from our agency, which is a bit bigger.

Luckily we had already been to our hotel once, so we had a general idea where it was. He drove by it twice and on the second pass we just had him let us out. The ride with him was much harrier than our driver and previous taxi ride. I was happy to get out of the car. Of course scooters are everywhere and weave in and out of the traffic and ride so close to the cars.

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