Saturday, January 06, 2007

Flight Adventure Continues

We made the 5:35 San Francisco flight. Funny - this flight is 4 hours and 57 minutes, which up until today would have seemed long, but we've already beat that with our Atlanta flight. All flights to Taipei for today and tomorrow are booked. We are currently on a waiting list to get a flight.

We have decided if one seat becomes available, I will go by myself and Troy will catch up with me in the next few days.

We arrived in San Francisco and Troy told me to put on my best Mommy face and I had Kaylee's photo album in hand to beg anyone to give us their seats. We got to the International Terminal and the line was very long. Troy caught someone at the counter and realized we were in the wrong line. For the first time ever, we got to the short line because our tickets were Eva Deluxe. We got to the rep and I whipped out my pictures and said we must get to our baby in Taiwan. Troy and I were both exhausted to the point of tears at this point. Turns out we had 2 seats on the midnight flight. Our travel agent called in a favor and got us on the flight. (Todd Gallinek is the best travel agent ever!!!! What an angel.)

Praise God - we are officially on our way to Kaylee! Here I am with the much treasured boarding passes. Now everything is ok!

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