Sunday, January 07, 2007

Countdown No More

I've just removed the countdown ticker as it is no longer needed. In 30 minutes we will be on our way to the airport to get our baby girl. Diaper bag is packed and ready to go.

I'm so excited to have you all following our journey. We'll post later after we have Kaylee!

It's a beautiful day!


David and Janalee said...

Boy you had a rough start! I bet you ahve Kaylee right now...can't wait to see three!
Maya's mama

Sarah said...

I'm thinking of you on this most exciting day. Hope everything goes smoothly! Congratulations!

Ann said...

I stayed up late, hoping that you would have her. You've been so good about posting. I'll be at my computer first thing in the morning to see Kaylee in your arms. Congratulations!!!

Anonymous said...

Good luck you guys. Karyn and I are looking forward to updates.

Andrea M said...

It's 10:36 German time, that means you have your little girl right now in Taiwan! I can't wait to see pictures of your new family :)

Ann said...

It's morning!! Where's Kaylee. I'm so excited as I know that she is in your arms right now. I know that the whole wait has melted from your heart as the love that you have felt for her for so long as now replaced that!!!

Anonymous said...

I am SO excited to hear about everything. You must be very busy, but I will be watching for a post! I was thinking about you last night lots. I bet you will be happy to get your family home!

Anonymous said...

I am sure you have picked up Kaylee and reveled in your first day as "mom and dad". We are looking forward to seeing the pics of the three of you together. Our prayers and heartfelt joy are with you.

Grandma Penny