Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Travel Update

I talked with our adoption rep Laura yesterday to inquire about our travel package. As we're down to 16 days until travel, I was getting a bit nervous that there was something we should be doing. She will email me the itinerary form to complete and then they will get our hotel and driver booked.

Sally, our translator, is still working on our travel cards. These are cards written in Mandarin with the hotel, AIT and other addresses that will help us find where we need to be. We will just hand these to our taxi cab driver and hope he knows how to get us there. They should be going out shortly.

Laura is struggling to find moderately priced tickets to go with us to Taiwan. She is still working on it, but it may end up that she won't get to go with us. I sure hope she does, as it would make our travels and adventure so much easier, but if not we will manage.

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