Monday, December 04, 2006

Travel Update

After receiving word from the orphanage that Kaylee is ours, they also told our adoption agency that they don't feel that we can travel until January 1. In trying to coordinate the translation company, scheduling Kaylee's medical exam for her US Passport and ordering her VISA they do not feel they can coordinate it all by year-end.

The adoption agency has asked them to reconsider to try to get Kaylee home for Christmas. So we must continue to wait and be ready to travel over the next month. I so want to have her home for her first Christmas, but now that I know she is really ours I can wait with much more peace.

I was checking out airline tickets yesterday assuming we would travel before Christmas and many of the flights from 12/14 - 12/19 were sold out, so it may turn out we wouldn't have a seat anyway.


SkyQueen said...

This is wonderful news! Thought about the 3 of you all weekend & hoped for good things today, which came true.

Andrea M said...

That's wonderful Tammy! Even though she might not make it for Christmas, what a relief it must be to know that it is official. She's your baby and nothing can change that now!