Thursday, December 28, 2006

Babysitting Alex

We had a great time babysitting Alex last night so his Mommy & Daddy could enjoy their 10th anniversary. I tested out the Baby Signs DVDs on him and he loved them. He quickly learned signs for cracker and thank you. (It helped to have a bag of animal crackers next to me to reinforce the learning.) I was amazed how quickly he picked it up and look forward to trying our signs with Kaylee.

They gave me a set of Russian dolls that have a ladybug on them. What a nice Russian/Taiwan connection.

Alex had a great time and was very gentle with Shera. She, however, decided she had had enough little boy time and promptly swatted him in the face late in the evening. She also decided this Kaylee person had too many blankets and claimed one for herself.

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