Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Still Waiting on our Travel Date

We heard from our adoption agency and our rep is in contact with the in-country rep several times each night. She in turn contacts the orphanage daily to see if we have a travel date yet - still no news.

I have begun to worry that something is wrong with our referral or possibly the birth family has made some reservations known. Our official waiting period for them to change their mind ends , as best as I can determine, December 4.

We received word of our final decree on Monday 11/20 and the orphanage had the extra information on our homestudy provider they requested by Friday 11/24. This included both the English and Chinese translation. That was the only piece of information that was to be holding up the release of our travel date. I can only pray that the only reason we have not received a travel date yet is that the orphanage is busy.

Our immigration package was fedexed to us tonight and we should have the USCIS forms Friday. I'm hoping that these are turned in when we travel to Taiwan and do not need to be submitted to the Jacksonville CIS Office, which could cause some delays.

Please keep us in your prayers and continue to pray for patience as we wait for our travel call. All of the other things are a breeze for me - traveling around the world to a place I do not speak the language does not phase me a bit. It's the uncertainty and waiting that are hard. Once I know we will actually be leaving to get our daughter, I will be at peace.

1 comment:

David and Janalee said...

Hi Tammy,
I know it is hard and you won't feel any better until you get that travel call, but try not to worry. I know exactly what you are feeling and I am sending a big hug your way.