Thursday, November 30, 2006

Great News on the CIS Front

We just found out from our agency that the CIS forms we will need to fill out do not need to be processed by the US Office! We will hand deliver them along with copies of our last 3 years worth of tax records in Taiwan. That is great news, as I was beginning to worry about the timeline needed to process them with a US Government agency - especially considering it's around the holidays.

We were also told we will have 2 conference calls next week. One to go over our paperwork and one to prepare for travel. I, of course, am more excited about the 2nd one. In our travel preparation call we'll discuss what is a must to pack, what we'll need for Kaylee, where we'll meet our translator and what to expect for our visit to St. Lucy's.

Still no November update photos, but hopefully we'll get them sometime today.

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