Monday, November 20, 2006

Kaylee is Ours!!!!

Kaylee Chia Chuan is legally our daughter today!!!!! Yes, you read right. I just got off the phone with Laura at our adoption agency and we received our final decree from the Taiwan Court today.

We were awaiting an update on when we entered the court, but it appears we have set a speed record with moving through the system. Considering our paperwork was accepted by the orphanage in mid-October, that means we moved through our hearings and rulings in one month’s time.

The court still had some misgivings about our Homestudy representative being an RN and our Homestudy agency is providing further documentation as requested by the Court. They will fedex it to our adoption agency today and they in turn will fax it to the orphanage.

Once the orphanage receives the fax, they will issue our official travel date. Laura said we should have that date this weekend or the beginning of next week. We should expect to travel in the next 3 weeks. When we travel will depend also on the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) Office’s holiday schedule. We may be spending Christmas in Taiwan.

As the adoption agency did not expect us to travel so quickly, they are scrambling to get our remaining paperwork together. They will have an immigration meeting for us tomorrow and then will get the required forms to us to fill out. In the meantime, we will have to get copies of our last three years of tax returns ready.

All I have to say is the Bleekers will have lots to be thankful for this Thanksgiving! God is great!!!


Andrea M said...

What wonderful news! A very blessed Thanksgiving and Christmas indeed!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic news! I'm so thrilled for all THREE of you -- see you on the weekend to share your joy and hear the latest!