Monday, November 20, 2006

Clarification on Where We Are

It's so hard to think of what to ask when I have our agency on the phone, that usually I'm in shock and just frantically taking notes. After talking with Laura this afternoon I wanted to ask if we had any dates on our hearing and 1st ruling to keep as part of Kaylee's history. I also wanted to doublecheck we had made it through the 10-business-day waiting period the family has to change their mind.

We will not receive dates and other information on our court process until we receive the official documentation when we pick Kaylee up. Their best guess at this point is that our final decree was issued Friday 11/17. As our agency didn't hear that we had entered the courts, they felt we still had some time to get our travel package and immigration information.

Our paperwork was accepted by the orphanage 10/17, but was not submitted to the courts for 2 more weeks because they were waiting on the initial explanation from our homestudy agency on our social worker's qualifications. We were assigned a judge in one week and then our hearing was waived. This has never happened before with our agency. And then we received our final decree.

Final is such a funny word - it isn't actually final, as we have not made it through the 10-day waiting period that the family has to change their mind. We aren't told when it starts or ends, but assuming it started today, we have 10 business days until we're clear.

Laura was waiting for our further clarification on our social worker to be fedexed to her and then she will fax it to St. Lucy's. Once they receive and translate it, our travel date will be revealed and our AIT appointment set. Her best guess is we might be traveling the week before Christmas.

Guess we have time to get out one more box to our little girl. And she will be little - we should have her home at 6 months old!!!

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