Saturday, January 06, 2007

We Made it!!!

I'm pleased to say we have finally made it to Taipei!

We were certain that our bags had not made the flight with us and immediately went to file a claim. We were told to wait at the baggage claim anyway. A sign is going around on the carousel that says the cargo door won't open and then someone comes out and gives a long speech in Mandarin. I find someone who speaks English and find out it will be an hour (maybe) before they can get our luggage off the plane.

We decide to wait and talk with a nice gentleman who is happy to practice his English. We talk about our adoption and what to see today in Taiwan. He gives us his business card to contact him for any help in Taiwan. (Our first guardian angel).

Miraculously, both of our suitcases made it! I'm so thankful as we had lots of baby supplies and also our gifts for the orphanage in them. I made one "alarming" discovery - one of the buttons near the toilet is not to flush, but to sound an alarm for assistance. Troy heard the alarm out in the lobby. We got some money exchanged into New Taiwan Dollars (NT) very easily.

We meet our driver who has a "Troy Bleekey" sign and speaks no English...but thankfully must have waited quite a long time for us. We're on our way in his nice new Lexus to the Feeling Hotel.


Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord, you made it!!! I am marveling at your ticker that says that it is only one day and 31 minutes until you meet Kaylee!!!! That makes that whole crazy travel experience worth it! So sorry that it was such a wild ride. I am praying that it is smooth sailing from here on!!!!

Unknown said...

Can you believe it? I'm getting teary-eyed reading about your adventure and being so happy for you. May your trip home be less eventful! (oh yeah, Go Gators!) Thinking of you, Connie Steen

Anonymous said...

Yay Yay Yay!!!!! What a trip. I have been thinking about you guys this weekend. I can't believe what you've been through. I hope the rest is smooth. I think you've done all the rough parts that you need to! Luckily, I read this at home, so it was o.k. to have tears! You are almost there, to your beautiful baby girl!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I am soooo sorry you had such a rough labor but your new beginning is right around the corner and trust me all of those labor pains will fade into distant memory when you hold your wonderful daughter in your arms. You are almost there!!!! We are keeping you in our prayers..( I even added a prayer for the Gators just for you).

Sherry said...

I just checked out your blog & wanted to say, "Isnt flying fun?" Im so happy you guys could fly together & wishing you guys the very best! Cant wait to see Kaylee in your arms & have a blast in Taiwan for me!

~Kobi's mama