Tuesday, January 09, 2007

CKS Memorial

After our AIT appointment, we went to the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall. It has a grand archway entrance that leads to many steps of white marble up to the Memorial. Kaylee was strapped to me in my hotsling and Mommy got a bit of exercise climbing the stairs. The view at the top is breathtaking. The Memorial is flanked on either side by the beautiful National Theater and National Concert Hall. The Memorial itself reminded us of the Lincoln Memorial.

There are two guards guarding the memorial and signs to be quiet. Kaylee didn't make a peep. We asked when the changing of the guard would be and as it was a half hour away decided to stay. We posed for some great pictures with our girl. The changing of the guard was beautiful. I cannot believe that those guards can perform such an intricate and slow ritual after having stood perfectly still on their platform for who knows how many hours. Kaylee made it almost completely through the ceremony, but then decided it was lunch time. We slipped out the back and fed her lunch on the steps of the memorial while watching the offduty soldiers depart. Of course a few minutes later it was diaper change time. Ahhh, the world famous places Kaylee has done her business :)

We couldn't find a convenient restroom so ended up improvising on a table we found. Now that she was fed, we headed off to find ourselves some lunch. It was the first time we've been completely solo and had a language issue. We couldn't seem to locate any place to eat or any English signs. After quite a bit of walking, I found a sign with a picture of some food and a number 5F. We headed on the elevator with a worker and when we got off on the 5th floor were surprised to find ourselves in a constuction area. He must have seen our looks of surprise

and was kind enough to lead us to another corridor and to the mall. We had a nice, quick lunch at chopsticks and then headed home for naps.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Troy & Tammy! We are so thrilled for you and your new baby girl, Kaylee. She is so beautiful and you two are going to make exceptional parents. God has truly blessed you all. Hope to see her someday.

Again, we are just thirlled for you 3. God Bless you all.
Jack & Pam Church

Unknown said...

It's great to follow your exciting adventure -- don't know how you find the time to record it all! Thinking of you and enjoying seeing the Bleekers together at last!
Connie Steen