Saturday, December 09, 2006

Wait Continues

We found out 19 days ago that we would be traveling within the next 3 weeks or so to pick up Kaylee. We still have no word on our travel date. Our agency continues to try and get us there by year-end, but with days quickly passing, it seems less and less likely.

The hard part aside from waiting is knowing that if we were in Taiwan right now regardless of her appointment at the AIT we could get her. We just couldn't leave the country.

We will continue to wait and pray for a travel date soon so we can begin making our plans to go get our daughter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Tammy, I am sorry they are doing this.. I don't understand why taiwan doesnt' get a more strict code under their belt in order to help us adoptive parents out with the frustration part at least.... I will pray for a quick date for you and Kristin...
Sarah k