Monday, December 11, 2006

Even the Baggers Know About Kaylee

Today marks 21 days since we received word that Kaylee was ours and we would be traveling soon. We have now officially taken longer to get a travel date than we did to make it through the entire court process.

Trying to avoid glassy-eyed looks by friends who have already seen Kaylee's pictures many times, I have now broadened my social circle and moved on to people who I would normally only discuss the weather in passing. Yes, no one is safe, including the Publix baggers.

Tonight as I was leaving the grocery store the bagger asked me if I was ready for Christmas, well this seemed like the perfect segue to talk about Kaylee. No, I'm not ready for Christmas, I replied. I'm waiting for a call to pick-up my daughter in Taiwan. Well, one thing lead to another and the next thing I know I'm whipping out the trusty black photo album to share photos of Kaylee. We better get our travel date soon, or I will have to start shopping at a different Publix to find baggers who haven't yet been introduced to our daughter.

1 comment:

Ann said...

You are so funny. It will be here before you know. The sad thing is that I don't have a picture to show. So I proudly show off everyone's else's. It usually goes like this

"Is that the your baby?" as I'm checking out blogs.

"No, but this is so...and so... isn't she beautiful..or isn't he so cute"