Sunday, November 12, 2006

Travel Calls are Starting Again

There has been some recent activity on my Yahoo Groups with people getting word of their court rulings and some also getting travel dates. Several of them are traveling around Thanksgiving or the first week in December.

Although I am very happy for these families getting such great news, the past few weeks it has been difficult to be patient as we wait to receive confirmation that we have entered the courts. We were supposed to get news with our October updates on 10/31, but didn't receive any. We believe our adoption rep is in Taiwan moving the orphanage to its new building so we haven't received any communciation for some time.

I remind myself to remain patient and that we will get word in God's time of when we can get Kaylee. Sometimes I do better than others.


Ann said...

It's so hard to see other people traveling when all you want is to bring your daughter home. Hopefully your rep will come back with surprisingly good news for you. Maybe you will be in this group of travelers.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Tammy and Troy,
This is Vicky from TECO in Miami. How are you? I've been visiting your blog since you came to the office. I am really curious about the following of the adoption cases after they left our office, so reading your journey is like reading a story book for me and I really enjoy it. I really hope that you can go to Taiwan soon and bring Kaylee back with you. And if there's anything that I can help, please let me know. God bless you all.